Friday, June 22, 2012

jalan di tempat atau lari di tempat?

Aku nggak tau lagi apakah aku sedang jalan di tempat atau lari di tempat, yang jelas 'gerakan' apapun yang aku lakukan belum menunjukkan bahwa aku benar-benar 'bergerak'. Aku masih di tempat yang sama. 
Aku benar-benar sedang merasa suram---atau tepatnya gelap. *sigh*
Rasanya sedih ya melihat temen-temen lulus duluan (mungkin memang aku jahat, atau sedang jahat). Tapi, seneng juga sih liat temen lulus... soalnya mereka bahagia dengan kelulusan mereka (ternyata aku baik juga. Ok, jadi sebenernya aku baik atau jahat?) 
Ah, aku nggak tau apakah aku baik atau jahat......apakah aku udah bergerak atau belum... apakah aku jalan beneran atau jalan di tempat.... apakah aku lari beneran atau lari di tempat......
Yang jelas aku sedang ...... I'm feeling so blue....... (jadi ini blue, suram, atau gelap?) 
Ok, aku semakin nggak ngerti dengan diriku sendiri. 
Aku teringat tuntutan orang tua buat lulus cepet. Sesaat aku merasa salah jurusan (mainstream tepatnya). Aku memilih mainstream yang terkenal susah. Susah dosennya, susah kuliahnya, susah mahasiswanya, susah duitnya, susah kapasitasnya, susah susah susah besok gede mau jadi apa? (Ok, itu SUSAN bukan susah
|||||=___=|||||) pokoknya begitu deh. Aku sempet merasa "WADEHEL" (itu bukan istilah buat kawat gigi *plak* itu BEHEL bukan WADEHEL! Ok ! Fokus ! Kembali ke inti masalah!) karena aku merasa salah milih mainstream. I should not be here ! That's what I thought. But I have no turning back ! hiks T^T sudah kecemplung basah, ya sudah yang bisa aku lakukan hanya berenang (dalam dunia nyata aku ga bisa berenang. Jadi istilah berenang di sini bukan makna sebenernya ya.) dan berharap aku ga tenggelam. Sejauh ini aku memang ga pernah tenggelam. Prinsipku dalam menjalani mainstream ini adalah alon-alon waton kelakon karena kalo aku grusa-grusu (baca: tergesa-gesa) aku malah jadi stress. Yah, memang benar, aku pelan-pelan saja menghadapi setiap hal di mainstreamku. Santai kaya di pantai~~~ Angin berhembus sepoi-sepoi, sambil kipas-kipas dan minum es kelapa muda.... enak banget dehhh ! v^__^v
Ah tapi hal itu hanya ada dalam anganku.... Kenyataannya aku harus menghadapi setumpuk tugas dan kewajiban kuliah yang menyita waktu, uang, hati, otak, pikiran, dan perasaan. lalalayeyeye (cuci cuci jemur jemur) 
Belum lagi kenyataan bahwa temen-temen dari mainstream lain udah mulai berguguran (baca: lulus) dan aku masih belum ngapa-ngapain ! Bayangkan ! Belum ngapa-ngapain ! 
Waktu itu yang terlintas di pikiranku adalah OH DAMN ! kenapa dulu ga masuk mainstream yang itu ya? mainstream itu khan cepet lulus, bapak ibu pasti bahagia~~~ lalalalalalalalalalalala~~~~
padahal dulu sempet kepikiran masuk mainstream itu, tapi kenapa oh kenapa aku mengubah semuanya~~~~ tapi kemudian aku menampar-nampar diriku sendiri, bahwa aku seharusnya ga boleh menyesali. Kerjakan apa yang ada sekarang saja ! (itu kata hatiku. ga nyangka hatiku bijak juga) 
Sekarang, saat aku melihat temen-temen yang mulai berlulusan (istilahnya diganti ya) aku hanya bisa mendukung mereka dengan "FIGHTING", "GOOD LUCK" atau "CONGRATS" yang ala kadarnya. Atau kadang-kadang kalo lagi enggak rela pake kata-kata "APA KAMU UDAH LULUS?!! BERANI-BERANINYA KAMU MENDAHULUIKU ! AWAS AKU TENDANG KAMU !!" (ga terlalu keras kok tendangannya) 
Yah, apapun itu.... aku percaya setiap orang punya kapasitas dan waktunya sendiri-sendiri. Aku juga percaya dengan kemampuan dan kapasitasku pasti sangat memadai dan aku pasti punya waktu yang tepat buat diriku sendiri. Semoga saya cepat lulus dan selamat buat teman-teman yang udah lulus. :)


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Solo Skin Art

The 1st Annual Solo Skin Art was held in June 4th-5th, 2012, in Gelora Manahan Solo. I was there on the 2nd day. Actually, I didn't know this kind of event was held in my city. One of my friends invited me to come along with her, and I just said "Ok" without thinking of what kind of event it was. (hahaha. so clueless about this kind of event). The ticket entrance was IDR 20000 (well, kinda expensive for student like me. but, fortunately my friend paid it for me. kekeke. lucky me!). After paying for the ticket entrance I got ticket and a booklet like this :

The booklet says:  1st Annual Solo Skin Art
The booklet contains some photos of tattoos and tattoos makers
and the information about tattoos shops all over Indonesia

Actually, I expected something like tattoos exhibition in the venue, I wanted to see people doing tattoos in the venue or saw some tattoos design or something like that, but I was late, a day late ! It was yesterday, and I totally didn't know this kind of event existed the day before. I only saw many booths with tattoos shops' name with nothing and no one. I mean, the exhibition was over and it only left empty booth (syuuuu~~~ sounds of empty wind blows). So, what is the event for the last day? Well, fortunately, still some left.
When I entered the venue, I saw some people gathered around in front of the stage. There was a competition. Tattoos competition. So, all the contestants were called to come up the stage and showed his/her tattoos to the judges, audiences, photographers, and media. (it's like fashion show thingy, tattoos show actually.) I met one of the contestants and asked to capture her tattoos. She kindly showed it to me, and here it is :

After taking those photos, I walked around and looked for some women who have tattoos (I don't really get interested to see tattoo on men's body, women's body with tattoos are more appealing. LOL) 

And here are some of the photos :

Yeah !

When I was walking around, I found a girl was being tattooed. The tattoo-maker-man looked so serious and highly concentrated. Once in a while, the girl waved a paper to her face. She felt hot, I think, because she sweat a lot. I wonder, she felt hot because of the lighting or because of the hot air in the venue or because of it was so painful? hmm. 

After discovering around the venue, I saw that in front of the stage became so much crowded. Tattoos 'fashion' show was over and it went on to another show. I don't know the name of the show, but it's kinda extreme. so extreme (for me).

So, I saw a person was being tattooed beside the stage and everybody like cheered him up. Well, I still did not know what happened. Then, my friend told me that the person being tattooed would show up his all-over-body-tattooed by being hanged on a-what-so-called-pulling-chain. Before he was pulled, some hooks would be pierced into his skins along right hand to left hand. OH MY GOD. What kind of show was this???
But, I saw everybody was getting more and more excited. And SHOW TIME !!

Oh, well, I captured some 'creepy' pictures, here they are :


After watching that kind of crazy, illogical, extreme show, the crowd dismissed instantly. I was just like. "What?!! Everybody's here just want to see such thing?"
Because after 'that show' was over, there was a performance of etno music ensemble, and it's quite interesting because they were playing some ethnic music instruments, like 'jimbe', 'rebana' and 'gendang' (i'm not really sure about this one). But, most of people left the venue and only some of them still stuck there to enjoy the music. Wow. What kind of phenomenon was this? People only got so excited to such extreme thing like that. Well, maybe that kind of creepy show was considered as brand-new show in Solo. Well, okay, well, umm.

Actually, the music was good. Jimbe, rebana, gendang, saxophone, and other music instruments harmonically flowed in medium to fast speed. So on fire. So fit for this kind of event.

Well, I recorded their performance in this short video

link to :

etno music ensemble at Solo Skin Art 2012

(click hyperlink above, it will directly go to

Well, that ethnic music performance was the last show that I watched that night. It was because the venue was getting more and more empty, my friend and I decided to go home.

Overall, this event is kinda new in Solo. Although, I didn't watch the show on the first day, but second-day-show had given some kind of pattern about how the first-day-show was. And I think, this kind of event can be one of unique events held in Solo (counting 'that hanging thingy' as extreme not unique, actually). Hopefully, this annual show can be held again and will have some more unique-extreme things next years.
