i watched the last part of Harry Potter yesterday~
i cried almost half of the movie... the saddest Harry Potter movie ever~~~
Remembering how i grew up along with Harry Potter.... more than ten years... and it is just over right away~~~
I cried because the story was epic and also the movie was so great... moreover i cried because there are no more Harry Potter movie anymore...
I still remember how I always struggle along with my friends to get the tickets~~ I also remember when I was in junior high, I was so happy to get free ticket to watch Harry Potter~~
Harry Potter didn't only leave some impressive moment and memories from the novels, stories, and movies... but also... more than that... some irreplaceable friendship, struggling, tears, laugh, anger, love, and more and more and more childhood memories.
I will never forget all the novels and movies series of Harry Potter. I grew up with those. I lived my childhood with those. And I will never regret it.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Special Gift
I believe that everyone is given a special person as a gift in his or her life.
I felt so alone. I felt so lonely. No reasons. No answers. Even when I was in a crowd or in noisy places, I often felt it. But, that day was a turning point for me. Just like other days, it was a hot and tiring day when I first met him.
Later, I realized that he was a gift for me. He was a senior in high school. He was an ordinary boy. There was nothing special about him. However, he looked so shiny and sparkling in my heart. Whenever and wherever I felt so lonely he was always there for me. His words embraced me tightly. His jokes kept my spirit on fire. His smiles pulled me up. He taught me about being alone and loneliness.
“No matter how hard it is, no matter how alone you are or how lonely you are, you have to enjoy your life. Don’t take it too seriously. Find a lot of things that remind you about happiness and togetherness. Remember, you have friends and families around you.” He added “Keep smiling. Keep laughing.”
His words kept running in my mind. I never forget about it. Since he was with me, I never felt alone and lonely anymore. I was in love with him. It felt like a warm Sunday morning that woke me up with smiley face. It felt like colorful flowers bloomed and spread lovely fragrant around me. So nice. So beautiful. So sweet.
But, that gloomy cloudy cold night, I got some serious problems with him. We fight. We got angry. We messed our relationship up. He left me. I couldn’t believe he went away without thinking about my feelings for him. I felt so dejected, downhearted, and forlorn.
“Is it fake? Your love and care are fake? Is it fake?!!” I wailed.
Then, loneliness filled my heart again. I couldn’t shout for help from him anymore.
“He went away… you have to struggle by yourself now…,” I said to myself.
However, his words about being alone and lonely reminded me.
“I must be with my friends and family, I have them,” I thought.
I had to stand so tall without him. I believed I could through it all.
A Few months later, I could overcome my loneliness. I realized that my family and friends were always there with me to help me through all of it. I thanked him because he reminded me about it. Although he had left me, I never hated him. I wish he never forgot about me because I will never forget about him. He was my special gift. And this I believe.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Something Childish, but very Natural Written in Germany is a poetry about someone who misses his childhood.
In the first stanza,
If I had but two little wings
And were a little feathery bird,
To you I’d fly, my dear.
It implies that he remembers about his fun and happy childhood when he freely imagined about a lot of things.
The second stanza,
But my sleep to you I fly
I’m always with you in my sleep!
The world is all one’s own.
Bu then one wakes, and where am I?
All, all alone.
The first, second, and third line imply that when he was a child he could rely on somebody around him. Whether it was his mom, dad, brother, sister, anyone. Everyone took care of and helped him. No one left him alone.
The fourth and fifth line imply that he realize about reality in life. As he grows up, everybody can leave him alone. He knows that life is not as easy as he thought. He has to struggle alone to live. No one can help him now.
The third stanza,
Sleep stays not, though a monarch bids;
So I love to wake ere break of day;
For though my sleep be gone,
Yet while ‘tis dark shuts one’s lids,
And still dreams on.
It implies that he hopes that he can be a child. He wants to turn back time. He wishes that what he is struggling right now is only a dream. He wishes that if his childhood is only a dream, he doesn’t want to wake up, he wants to keep dreaming.
So, this poetry is about someone who misses his childhood. He remembers about his fun and happy childhood when he could imagine everything that he wanted to. When he was a child, he could rely on everybody around him. His mom, dad, brothers, sisters, anyone. He could ask for help from everybody. Everyone took care of and loved him. But, as soon as he grew up, he knows that he couldn’t forever rely on others. He has to face reality. He has to face real life. He has to struggle. He has to do efforts. Gradually, he realizes that everyone is not always helping and taking care. They leave him alone and he has to stand on by himself. Then, he feels so tired of life, he wishes that it was only a dream. He wants to return to his childhood when everything seems so simple, easy, fun and happy. And he wishes that if his childhood is only a dream, he doesn’t want to wake up. He wants to keep dreaming.
Sometimes, we may feel the same way. We feel tired of life and reality and want to go back to our childhood. However, the reality is not like that. We have to face our reality. Our childhood remains memories. It is better to keep our childhood our childhood as the sweetest memory and make it precious to help us stronger in fighting and struggling.
Monday, July 25, 2011
kalo pengen punya pacar, jangan deket deket aku ! (part 1)
pernahkah ada yang merasa bahwa saat kamu berdekatan, berteman, atau bersahabat dengan seseorang kamu jadi ga bisa punya pacar?
aku tidak pernah. Tapi, aku hanya ingin membuat orang orang sadar, bahwa di dunia ini ada hal yang seperti ini.
Sejak aku smp aku selalu punya beberapa temen deket... orang orang menyebutnya temen se-genk.
Temen segenkku waktu smp yang paling deket itu namanya sara, endah, dan vina. Selama mereka berteman dekat denganku, aku tidak pernah melihat atau mendengar cerita mereka berpacaran dengan cowok manapun. padahal, kalo dilihat dari segi wajah, tinggi badan, bentuk badan, dan berat badan mereka sangat menarik. Sifat dan kelakuan mereka juga sangat baik. Memang sih, ada beberapa cowok mendekati mereka, tapi tidak ada satupun yang pernah berpacaran sama mereka.
Setelah lulus dan berpisah bersekolah di tempat yang berbeda beda kami jarang dan bahkan tidak pernah ketemu.
Akhirnya suatu hari kami bisa berkumpul lagi... saat itu aku tau kalo temen-temenku sudah punya pacar atau paling tidak punya gebetan.
Begitupun, saat di sma aku juga punya genk. Waktu kelas X aku punya genk yang bernama "OIO" yang terdiri dari 3 cewek, yaitu moya, dita, dan aku. Waktu itu kita sama sama ga punya pacar dan ga punya gebetan. Sampai naik kelas XI kami masih deket walaupun dita beda kelas (aku dan moya masih sekelas terus sampe kelas XII)
Waktu di kelas XI-XII aku juga punya genk baru yang bernama BOBISURANTO (akronim dari keBO baBI aSU jaRAN unTO) *nama yang aneh*
bobisuranto terdiri dari 5 cewek yaitu yessy, okta, moya, sisil, dan aku.
Waktu itu kami tidak punya pacar, hmm.... beberapa dari kami sebenernya ada yang punya gebetan atau pacar, misalnya yessy, okta, dan sisil tapi hubungannya juga ga jelas sih..... Waktu itu aku memang paling deket sama moya dan rasanya senang karena dia sama sama ga punya pacar kayak aku... :DDDD
Sampai suatu saat, aku jadi lumayan deket sama yessy dan agak jauh sama moya.... beberapa saat kemudian moya punya pacar dan aku jadi semakin jauh sama moya.... dan yessy yang deket sama aku malah jadi ga punya gebetan atau pacar.
Selain mereka berempat, aku juga punya temen deket lain di kelas namanya leyna. Dia juga sama... ga punya pacar atau gebetan...
Setelah lulus sma kami jadi terpisah, sibuk dengan dunia masing masing, dan ga deket lagi, tapi kami punya waktu waktu khusus untuk ngumpul ngumpul dan maen.
Suatu hari waktu bobisuranto plus dita reuni, mereka bercerita kalo mereka masing sudah punya pacar. Sisil akhirnya ketemu cowok yang pas buat dia setelah berkali kali ganti -_- (padahal dulu temen sebangkuku ini suka galau soal cowok), okta yang dulu sempet salah pilih cowok (hahaha, tapi konyol ini !!) akhirnya ketemu *orang bilang* soulmate-nya, yessy yang dulu desperate sama gebetan dan mantannya ini akhirnya dapet cowok yang punya masa depan religius (halleluya ! hehehe), moya yang akhirnya jadian sama temen kecilnya atau tetangganya ini pacarannya malah kaya miiko sama tappei (lucu !!), dan dita yang dulunya nangis nangis curhat soal cowok ke aku ini akhirnya dapet pacar temenku sekelasku (hahahaha~~~)
wah, wah, wah, banyak yang berubah sejak kita berpisah, ga pernah ketemu, dan deket lagi.
Dan... si leyna yang sekarang sangat aktif di jogja akhirnya dapet gebetan temen sepelayanannya di gereja jogja. well, kalo soal leyna ini dia cerita sih lewat twitter... soalnya sekarang kamu ga pernah ketemu... dia di jogja mulu sih...
Nha, sekarang temen deket kuliah.... aku ga tau apa yang sedang dan akan terjadi sih...
Yang jelas... aku mulai curiga....
jangan jangan temen temen yang deket sama aku bisa bisa ga punya pacar???
apa aku membawa semacam "sesuatu" yang membuat orang orang deketku ga punya pacar???
well, it remains mystery~~~ i just don't know the answers yet...
aku tidak pernah. Tapi, aku hanya ingin membuat orang orang sadar, bahwa di dunia ini ada hal yang seperti ini.
Sejak aku smp aku selalu punya beberapa temen deket... orang orang menyebutnya temen se-genk.
Temen segenkku waktu smp yang paling deket itu namanya sara, endah, dan vina. Selama mereka berteman dekat denganku, aku tidak pernah melihat atau mendengar cerita mereka berpacaran dengan cowok manapun. padahal, kalo dilihat dari segi wajah, tinggi badan, bentuk badan, dan berat badan mereka sangat menarik. Sifat dan kelakuan mereka juga sangat baik. Memang sih, ada beberapa cowok mendekati mereka, tapi tidak ada satupun yang pernah berpacaran sama mereka.
Setelah lulus dan berpisah bersekolah di tempat yang berbeda beda kami jarang dan bahkan tidak pernah ketemu.
Akhirnya suatu hari kami bisa berkumpul lagi... saat itu aku tau kalo temen-temenku sudah punya pacar atau paling tidak punya gebetan.
Begitupun, saat di sma aku juga punya genk. Waktu kelas X aku punya genk yang bernama "OIO" yang terdiri dari 3 cewek, yaitu moya, dita, dan aku. Waktu itu kita sama sama ga punya pacar dan ga punya gebetan. Sampai naik kelas XI kami masih deket walaupun dita beda kelas (aku dan moya masih sekelas terus sampe kelas XII)
Waktu di kelas XI-XII aku juga punya genk baru yang bernama BOBISURANTO (akronim dari keBO baBI aSU jaRAN unTO) *nama yang aneh*
bobisuranto terdiri dari 5 cewek yaitu yessy, okta, moya, sisil, dan aku.
Waktu itu kami tidak punya pacar, hmm.... beberapa dari kami sebenernya ada yang punya gebetan atau pacar, misalnya yessy, okta, dan sisil tapi hubungannya juga ga jelas sih..... Waktu itu aku memang paling deket sama moya dan rasanya senang karena dia sama sama ga punya pacar kayak aku... :DDDD
Sampai suatu saat, aku jadi lumayan deket sama yessy dan agak jauh sama moya.... beberapa saat kemudian moya punya pacar dan aku jadi semakin jauh sama moya.... dan yessy yang deket sama aku malah jadi ga punya gebetan atau pacar.
Selain mereka berempat, aku juga punya temen deket lain di kelas namanya leyna. Dia juga sama... ga punya pacar atau gebetan...
Setelah lulus sma kami jadi terpisah, sibuk dengan dunia masing masing, dan ga deket lagi, tapi kami punya waktu waktu khusus untuk ngumpul ngumpul dan maen.
Suatu hari waktu bobisuranto plus dita reuni, mereka bercerita kalo mereka masing sudah punya pacar. Sisil akhirnya ketemu cowok yang pas buat dia setelah berkali kali ganti -_- (padahal dulu temen sebangkuku ini suka galau soal cowok), okta yang dulu sempet salah pilih cowok (hahaha, tapi konyol ini !!) akhirnya ketemu *orang bilang* soulmate-nya, yessy yang dulu desperate sama gebetan dan mantannya ini akhirnya dapet cowok yang punya masa depan religius (halleluya ! hehehe), moya yang akhirnya jadian sama temen kecilnya atau tetangganya ini pacarannya malah kaya miiko sama tappei (lucu !!), dan dita yang dulunya nangis nangis curhat soal cowok ke aku ini akhirnya dapet pacar temenku sekelasku (hahahaha~~~)
wah, wah, wah, banyak yang berubah sejak kita berpisah, ga pernah ketemu, dan deket lagi.
Dan... si leyna yang sekarang sangat aktif di jogja akhirnya dapet gebetan temen sepelayanannya di gereja jogja. well, kalo soal leyna ini dia cerita sih lewat twitter... soalnya sekarang kamu ga pernah ketemu... dia di jogja mulu sih...
Nha, sekarang temen deket kuliah.... aku ga tau apa yang sedang dan akan terjadi sih...
Yang jelas... aku mulai curiga....
jangan jangan temen temen yang deket sama aku bisa bisa ga punya pacar???
apa aku membawa semacam "sesuatu" yang membuat orang orang deketku ga punya pacar???
well, it remains mystery~~~ i just don't know the answers yet...
please watch, listen, comment, and press like button (if you like this video)
please watch, listen, comment, and press like button (if you like this video)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Marriage a-la-Mode
An Analysis of Poetry titled
Marriage A-la-Mode by John Dryden
Marriage a-la-Mode tells about someone who doesn’t believe in marriage life and against it.
There is correlation between first stanza and second stanza.
In the first stanza of this poetry, it shows how the writer portrays that marriage is fool and useless. The writer tells that marriage is just an obligation that created by people to tie two persons in love. The writer sees that actually marriage is only the way to end love. Everybody can love, may love, and will love, but they do not need to marry. He thinks that marriage can make the passion of love disappears. He wants to say that love is a free one that can not be bound in a tie which is expressed by oath. Marriage is only a way to build a border around love itself. Marriage binds love. Marriage cage love up. Marriage does not give space for love. Gradually, love can be so decayed and it dies away inside the marriage. There is no real pleasure and love in marriage. This first stanza says that marriage is just so depressing and not so worthy.
In the second stanza, it shows the writer’s thought about marriage. It shows that marriage should not be an obligatory, but a choice. It depends on person himself whether he wants to get married or not. It shows that marriage is not the only way to get joyfulness. People can find their joy even without commit marriage. Without marriage people can love each other freely. No boundaries. No limits. No borders. They can not tie each other. It clearly shows that this stanza wants to say that the prime thing in love is freedom. Not bound. Sometimes, without marriage people can feel so happy and free in loving each other because they can not make some rules or prevention that make themselves feel so caged up and trapped.
This poetry wants to show that people should not make marriage as an obligation. Marriage is a choice. People may take it or not. Many people can find their happiness, joyfulness, and freedom of love without marrying each other, without binding each other in a sacred oath, without committing marrying. Marriage should not be a rule of something or for someone because not all people believe in marriage and not all believe that marriage can prove anything that mainly related to love.
Iambicum Trimetrum ---Sick of Living in Unreal Happy World---
An Analysis of Poetry titled
Iambicum Trimetrum by Edmund Spencer
Iambicum Trimetrum talks about tiredness of living in unreal happy world.
First stanza :
Unhappy state
- It means the unhappiness that he feels
the witness of my unhappy state
- It means that the people can see his unhappiness
Second stanza :
Lying restless in heavy bed
- It means that even he tries to rest or sleep he still feel so heavy or unhappy
Sitting so cheerless at the cheerful board
- It means that he even feels unhappy in a place that should make him happy
Third stanza :
My eyes can take no rest. My mouth can eat no meat. I can hear no mirth.
- It portrays that there is reason behind his unhappiness that makes him can’t live well and comfortably
Fourth stanza :
Asked why?
- This tag question implies his tiredness of his unhappiness. It shows that he wants to say about his reason and burden inside.
Fifth stanza :
Her pleasures were wont to lull me asleep. Her beauty wont to feed mine eyes. Her sweet tongue was wont to make mirth.
- It means that he wants to say that all pleasure, beauty, and all sweet good beautiful things in this world is just temporary. It won’t give him eternal happiness. And he feels so tired with secular offering that seems depressing for him.
Sixth stanza :
I nightly waste, wanting my kindly rest. I daily starve, wanting my lively food. I always die, wanting timely mirth.
- It means that he is tired of looking for real happiness where he can live well and comfortably.
Seven stanza :
And if I die, who will say : “This was Immerito”?
- Immerito means unjustifiably, undeservingly, without merit. So it means, that no one will recognize about his feeling, thought, and desire about real happiness in this immortal world. He even doesn’t deserve to get attention even if he dies away.
So, overall, in this poetry the writer wants to show his feeling about his unhappiness, he doesn’t care whether people already knew it or not because he feels so depressed of his life. He can’t even sleep well or live well. He is tired of his life. Gradually, he found out that there are some reasons of it. He found out that all the things under the sky, under the sun are immortal. There are a lot of things offered to him, secular things, but nothing can make him happy, in reality. He is just fed up with a lot of things around him. All things seem depress him. At one point, he feels so much tired of searching real happiness and he found out that his effort is all just useless. No one will care and understand. Even people will not say that he deserves to get real happiness with all his efforts.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I remembered that I promised myself to invite some friends to karaoke on my 21st birthday. But, i didn't do it. well, almost... so, I decided.... a week later to invite some friends to karaoke... YAY ! YAY !! YAY !!! i love karaoke with my friends~~~
Unfortunately... no one could come and join it... huks huks....
i was just tooooooooo upset !! hish !!
so, i decided to go to mall with my bestest friend *with a lil bit force actually, she even said that i kidnapped her -_-*
anyway.... i became a lil bit calm and okay...but, i still wanted to go to karaoke...
so i insisted to go to karaoke even it was just with her....
well, she's just too kind to me and said "okay, as u will."
KYAAAA~~~!! i was so happy~~~
I WAS JUST SO HAPPY~~~ THANK U MY BESTEST FRIEND EVER~~~ let's do karaoke again next time.... hahahaha
I LOVE YOU TIKA~~~!!! <33333
Unfortunately... no one could come and join it... huks huks....
i was just tooooooooo upset !! hish !!
so, i decided to go to mall with my bestest friend *with a lil bit force actually, she even said that i kidnapped her -_-*
anyway.... i became a lil bit calm and okay...but, i still wanted to go to karaoke...
so i insisted to go to karaoke even it was just with her....
well, she's just too kind to me and said "okay, as u will."
KYAAAA~~~!! i was so happy~~~
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I'm in yellow, she's in blue~~~!!! we're singing so happily. :DDD |
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we're friends since we were 2yrs old baby~~~ kekekekeke... how long is that up until now??? |
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our friendship will last forever~~~ PEACE OUT~~~! |
I WAS JUST SO HAPPY~~~ THANK U MY BESTEST FRIEND EVER~~~ let's do karaoke again next time.... hahahaha
I LOVE YOU TIKA~~~!!! <33333
I'M BACK !!! I'M COMING BACK !! YATTA !!! YATTA !! *throw confetti, throw balloons*
AFTER WEEK BY WEEK OF SUFFERING~~~ ehem.... let's say... my laptop's keyboard was broken.... and i was just so longing in writing~~~ T_____T
but now..... I'M BACK !!! I'M GOING TO WRITE AGAIN !!!
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